Gallery for the “region” omnibrot. All of these have the default settings. The only differences are color, location, and rotation. You pick and choose your power(s) just by exploring.

Ah, the multitude of minibrots: Location: (0.952734587512775/0.00130180164717005, 2.9e4):

You can find a low power Mandelbrot embedded in higher power decorations (0.9318789950724859625629365/0.001184616337436398512427395, 1e14):

Or you can get one embedded in two different powers, a low (standard z^2) and high spiral decoration. Both the central on ea nd high power spirals are z^10 but they can be different Location: (-0.0257235614027048021832657/0.171801382021168526563601, 1.6e14)

Branch lines exist, but they are far less onerous because they tend to hang out at the edges. However, if you look for them you can get interesting images:

Location: (-0.599996237020451278060085/2.732064459748664083457e-6, 1.9e13):

Location: (-0.777796540765985961165/0.000676655424738480412355, 1.3e10):