Non-governmental Organizations

Bank Information Center, The (Washington, D.C.)
The Bank Information Center (BIC) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides information and strategic support to NGOs and social movements throughout the world on the projects, policies and practices of the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). BIC advocates for greater transparency, accountability and citizen participation at the MDBs. Information on MDBs Projects and Policies is organized by the following regions: Africa, Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In English, with Toolkits español, français and dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Basel Action Network
Organisational site devoted to the issue of halting toxic trade. Toxic trade includes toxic waste, toxic products and toxic technologies.

Biodiversity in Development (IUCN)

Breast Cancer Fund, The (USA)
The Breast Cancer Fund (TBCF) identifies and advocates for elimination of the environmental and other preventable causes of the disease. Founded in 1992, TBCF works from the knowledge that breast cancer is a public health priority that demands action from all. The TBCF quarterly newsletter -- State of the Evidence: What is the Connection Between Chemicals and Breast Cancer? -- is committed to informing and mobilizing a public to be unrelenting in preventing the disease from striking more people. TBCF sends out a monthly email alert to inform people of the latest breast cancer news and how to take action to end the breast cancer epidemic. With 6 Actions to Reduce Your Exposure to Cancer-Causing Chemicals & Environmental Toxins! and links to Art Rage Us., The Art and Outrage of Breast Cancer, an ongoing art exhibit managed by The Breast Cancer Fund, featuring a collection of works by over eighty writers and artists with breast cancer. In English.

Californians for Pesticide Reform
A coalition of more than 120 public health, consumer, environmental, sustainable agriculture, labor and rural assistance public interest organizations. Our goals are to expand the public's right to know about pesticide use and abuse, reduce that use and promote safer, ecologically sound agricultural and urban pest management.

Cancer Resource Center
American Cancer Society (USA)

Here you'll find answers to questions about the nature of cancer, its causes, and risk factors. Also the latest strategies for prevention and early detection, new diagnostic techniques, and the latest treatment options; and information about alternative and complementary methods. The website features Prevention & Early Detection, Tobacco & Cancer, Statistics, Research Programs & Funding, Media Services, Conferences, Books & Journals; also information on Living with Cancer - Day-to-day living concerns, Types of Treatment, Complementary & Alternative Methods, Find Treatment Centers, CancerProfiler\231, Personalized treatment decision information, Cancer Survivors Network - Online community for survivors & caregivers, and Search for Local Resources. In English and Spanish.

Carbon Watch
The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network (SEEN)
Institute for Policy Studies (Washington, DC) and the Transnational Institute (Amsterdam)

SEEN works in partnership with citizens groups globally on environment and development issues with a particular focus on climate change, human rights, energy, gender equity, and economic issues. SEEN also provides information resources to a global network of citizens groups, non-governmental organizations, government officials, and the media. SEEN's research focuses on investments made by international financial institutions and government agencies in developing countries and economies in transition as well as in economically disadvantaged regions of the U.S. "Carbon Watch" is the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network's bulletin on fossil fuel projects in the "pipeline" not yet approved by the directors of development lending institutions like the World Bank. This bulletin is intended to give activists around the world basic information about energy issues in developing countries. In English.

Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, (near) Banska Bystica, Slovakia.
The Center's objectives include environmental protection and the development of spiritual values, as well as support for those activities of citizens, movements and non-governmental organizations. The site contains information about water policies in Slovakia under the recently ousted government.

Center For Health, Environment and Justice
Founded in 1981 by Lois Gibbs, leader of the campaign at Love Canal, New York, CHEJ is a U.S. environmental organization started and led by grassroots organizers. CHEJ translates scientific issues into plain language, helping thousands of activists understand technical and scientific information. CHEJ's technical assistance program provides one-on-one work with community groups by reviewing and commenting on technical reports, cleanup plans, health studies, and alternative technologies.

Center for Marine Conservation (CMS), The
The Center for Marine Conservation is the largest U.S. nonprofit organization committed solely to protecting ocean environments and conserving the global abundance and diversity of marine life through science-based advocacy, research, and public education, as well as informed citizen participation. CMC and the U.S. EPA's Oceans & Coastal Protection Division jointly offer two-day Volunteer Estuary Monitoring and operate the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program (NMDMP). This program has been designed to scientifically determine whether marine debris is increasing or decreasing along U.S. coastlines and identify the major sources of the debris. With Library and Resources, including a Map Room containing maps of Federally Protected Marine Sanctuary, Areas and Reserves. In English.

Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, The (Slovakia)
The Center for Environmental Public Advocacy (CEPA) is a non profit, non governmental, non partisan organization promoting positive social change at the local, national and international levels. Its mission is to create and enforce effective instruments leading towards strengthening citizen's participation in decision making regarding issues of public interest, sustainable development, protection of human rights and environmental justice. CEPA´s central programs are the Public Interest Law Program and Sustainable Economy Program. The activities within Public Interest Law Program (PIL Program) fall into three inter-related program pillars:
  1. Strategic Litigation and Legal Aid providing legal services to citizens and NGOs with priority to cases of significant impact,
  2. Legal Education, including publications, manuals and workshops on PIL issues for active citizens and NGOs; and
  3. Access to Justice through networking of legal professionals, PIL Conference, working with law students and contributing to judicial reform.
Includes publications produced by the Center for Environmental Public Advocacy and Friends of the Earth. Slovakia regarding selected issues of the Sustainable Economy Program available in English. Outputs include informational materials, brochures, press releases, articles, letters addressed to official institutions, case studies, and results from CEPA's research activities. In Slovak and English.

Central Eurasia Project Environmental Foci

Centro de Derecho Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales (Costa Rica)
El Centro de Derecho Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales (CEDARENA) es una asociación apolítica, sin fines de lucro y declarada de utilidad pública, cuya sede se encuentra en San José, Costa Rica. CEDARENA fue fundada en 1989, como respuesta a una creciente preocupación por los problemas ambientales y la necesidad de tomar acciones jurídicas al respecto. Está conformado por un grupo de profesionales en Derecho y otras ramas; vinculados por un interés común en la solución de problemas.

Clean Water Action (USA)
Clean Water Action is a national citizens' organization working for clean, safe and affordable water, prevention of health-threatening pollution, creation of environmentally-safe jobs and businesses, and empowerment of people to make democracy work. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups, coalitions and campaigns to protect the environment, health, economic well-being and community quality cf life. Features Energy Action Center, information on current campaigns (Arsentic, Water Clean-up Programs), downloadable newsletters, and contacts. In English.

Coalition Clean Baltic (Sweden)
Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) is a politically independent, non-profit association that unites 27 member organizations from Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The main goal of CCB is to promote the protection and improvement of the Baltic Sea environment and natural resources. CCB participates as a joint lobby organization for the member organizations towards intergovern-mental Baltic Sea organizations such as the HELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) and the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC), the BALTIC 21-process as well as towards the European Union. CCB as an organization has decided to focus on three priority areas:
  1. Reduction of the harmful nutrient load to the Baltic Sea,
  2. Preventions of installations and activities harmful to the Baltic Sea Environment, and
  3. Development of sustainable Baltic Sea Fisheries.
Includes map of Baltic Sea Region Hot Spots. In English.

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)
CPSR is a public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others concerned about the impact of computer technology on society. CPSR members provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and limitations of computer technology. CPSR undertakes projects based on public discussion of, and public responsibility for decisions involving the use of computers in systems critical to society. They seek to dispel popular myths about the infallibility of technological systems, challenge the assumption that technology alone can solve political and social problems, and critically examine social and technical issues within the computer profession, both nationally and internationally. With information and member links to ICANN Members Forum, Internet Democracy Project, Civil Society Internet Forum and Working Group on Domain Names and Internet Governance. Publishers of the online Cyber-Federalist Newsletter. In English.

Transnation Resource and Transaction Center

Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature / Danmarks Naturfredningsforening (DN)
DN, with approximately 200.000 members, is the major environmental organization of Denmark. DN's members, networks and working groups seek to improve public awareness on nature conservation, environmental management, Agenda 21 and waste management. Danish legislation provides DN with a special legal standing on issues concerning nature and environment: The organization has the right to appeal decisions made by local or regional authorities if those decisions do not sufficiently take into account environmental considerations. DN can appeal permits, given by the regional councils for developments within wetlands, heaths, moors and beach meadows. DN supplies active public participation in the planning process at all stages, with the aim that the plans take in account the voice of the public and respect nature and environment. DN is active in Nordic countries, in the European Union through the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), in the Eastern European region through the NGO Coalition Clean Baltic, and in South Africa through the Environmental Justice Networking Forum. "DN-Thursday", a short newsletter, appears weekly on the webpage. In Danish and English.

Digital Governance
The site explores some of the innovative models putting electronic forms of Governance into practice. These generic models have a huge potential to change the political scene, re-shape democracy and transform the way citizens interact with Government. The website provides descriptions of these models and various programmes based on these models, along with relevant electronic-governance case studies, articles and publications and upcoming events. To receive updates subscribe by sending a blank email to

A nonprofit organization promoting a sustainable Earth and working for livable cities, diverse wilderness areas, and the rights of all life through education and nonviolent direct action. Access to photo links gallery.

ECO-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (Russia)
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) - Commonwealth of Independent States

ECO-Accord is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1992 to promote the realization of the decisions adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio-de-Janeiro. ECO-Accord participates in Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)-Commonwealth of Independent States. LEAD's mission is to create and sustain a global network of leaders who are committed to promote change towards patterns of economic development that are environmentally sustainable and socially equitable. Contains News, Global Info, Eco-Accord Reports on Environment and Health, Database of LEAD alumni worldwide. In Russian and English.

Ecologists in Action / Ecologistas en Acción (España)
Ecologists in Action are a confederation of more than 300 Spanish ecological groups that understand environmental problems have their origin in society's model of production, consumption and increasing globalization. / Ecologistas en Acción es una confederación de ámbito estatal, fruto de la unificación de más de 300 grupos ecologistas. Forma parte del llamado ecologismo social, que entiende que los problemas medioambientales tienen su origen en un modelo de producción y consumo cada vez más globalizado, del que derivan también otros problemas sociales, y que hay que transformar si se quiere evitar la crisis ecológica. In Spanish.

Ecopravo-Lviv (Ukraine)
Environmental Public Advocacy Information Center

Ecopravo-Lviv is an independent non-governmental public interest environmental law firm dedicated to providing legal services and education in the sphere of environmental protection for citizens and NGOs. Ecopravo works on behalf of Environmental Protection, Legal Education, Public Interest Professionalism, Promotion of Professional Support, Networking, and Civil Service Accountability. This site includes information on the Environmental Edvocacy Newsletter; Citizens' Environmental Rights; Selection of International Conventions on Environment; UN/ECE Convention On Access to Information; Public Participation in Decisionmaking and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters; and on How to Create an NGO. Ecopravo's own history, projects, and cases are also featured. Ecopravo's Ukrainian language pages include a map of the Lviv Region where you can search for information by individual districts in the region. With futher information about the 6 most polluting enterprises in the region, the ecological situation in Lviv region, monitoring data, information about the use and polluting of different resources (land, air, water), and environmental accidents. Updates from the Lviv Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment Annual Report. In Ukrainian and English.

Ecotrain Europe
Information on sustainable living and environmental education. In Danish.

Endometriosis Research Center (USA)
Endometriosis is a painful reproductive and immunological disease afflicting over 7 million women and teenagers in the United States and an estimated 70 million more worldwide. The Endometriosis Research Center is a non profit organization dedicated to education, providing support, raising awareness, offering women the opportunity to participate in Endometriosis research, and ultimately, to finding a cure. The site features: What is Endo?, Alternative Treatments, Support Groups, List Serv, Newsletter, News & Research, Clinical Trials, Material Request, Bookstore, Dr. Cook's Corner, MENDO - Men & Endo, VeryPrivate: Intimate Health & Wellness Needs, and Archives. In English.

Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
An independent, international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime. Features news & updates,campaigns & reports, feedback & discussion, and links.

Environmental Justice Resource Center
Clark Atlanta University
The Environmental Justice Resource Center (EJRC) seeks to assist, support, train, and educate people of color professionals and grassroots community leaders with the goal of facilitating their inclusion into the mainstream of environmental decision making. Includes the People of Color Environmental Groups Directory for southeastern United States.

Environmental Partnership for Central Europe (EPCE) Czech Republic NADACE PARTNERSTVÍ
The Environmental Partnership for Central Europe is a joint project of a consortium of foundations created in 1991. Its purpose is to promote sustainable society through helping nongovernmental organizations solve environmental problems and strengthen democratic processes by providing small grants, fellowships and technical assistance.

Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Content provider for public interest groups and concerned citizens who are campaigning to protect the environment. The environmental and economic implications of Federal farm programs; drinking water contamination by pesticides and other pollutants; wetlands conservation; budget and appropriations policies affecting the environment, and the impact of campaign contributions on environmental policy. Researchers with EWG's Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research (CLEAR) monitor and assess the strategies, tactics and major players in the anti-environment movement ranging from "wise-use" groups that seek to constrict environmental safeguards to corporate front groups that attack public health regulation, science and law.

Essential Information (EI)
EI provides provocative information to the public on important topics neglected by the mass media and policy makers. EI publishes a monthly magazine, books and reports, sponsors investigative journalism conferences, provides writers with grants to pursue investigations and operate clearinghouses which disseminate information to grassroots organizations in the United States and the Third World.

European Centre for Nature Conservation
Established in 1993 with the purpose to further European nature conservation by bridging gap between science and policy, ECNC has become a expertise centre offering support to the development, review and implementation of European nature conservation policies.

European Environmental Bureau
EEB's objectives are:

Family Health International (FHI)
AIDS/HIV/STD, family planning, reproductive health and women's studies: FHI provides the highest quality research, education and services in family planning, STDs/HIV and family health to improve the health and well-being of populations worldwide.

Foreign Policy In Focus
Interhemispheric Resource Center (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and Institute for Policy Studies (Washington DC), the

This "think tank without walls" provides foreign policy news and issue briefs searchable by region or topic. The site includes a media center and expert contacts database. In English.

Forest Conservation Archives & Portal
The mission of is to contribute to the conservation of Rainforests, Forests, Biodiversity and Indigenous Cultures through targeted informational networking. Forest Conservation Archives contains over 20,000 Forest Conservation information pieces in these directories: Africa, America, Asia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, Europe, General Conservation, Guyana & Suriname, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Rainforest Information Centre, Russia, South America, South Pacific, and Sustainable Forestry.

Forest Information Service
The World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.

Global Change (electronic edition)
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security (Oakland, California)

Global Change seeks to familiarize the public with the issues associated with climate change and ozone depletion. Global Change has been published since July 1996 as a public service by the Pacific Institute, an independent, non-profit center created in 1987 to do research and policy analysis in the areas of environment, sustainable development, and international security. Underlying all of the Institute's work is the recognition that the pressing problems of environmental degradation, regional and global poverty, and political tension and conflict are fundamentally interrelated, and that long-term solutions must consider these issues in an interdisciplinary manner. The Pacific Institute's program areas are 'Economic Globalization and the Environment'; 'Global Change', 'Environment & Security'; 'Community Strategies for Sustainability and Justice'; and 'Water and Sustainability'. The Global Change site has an extensive set of links to governmental, NGO, and scientific climate change sites.

Global Phenological Monitoring
The Global Phenological Monitoring (GPM) is an initiative of the Phenological Study Group of the International Society of Biometeorology (ISB). Contains monitoring data and interactive tools. GPM cooperates and shares links with the Global Plantwatch Program and the GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) program.

Greenpeace International
Containing information on campaigns in Climate, Toxics, Nuclear, Oceans, Genetic Engineering, Ocean Dumping, Forests and Olympics.

Greenpeace International Information Page
Access to the Greenpeace International internet archive (since 1994), information on Greenpeace ships and the campaigns they have been involved in; links to non-Greenpeace websites of interest; and the International Photo and Video Library.

Green Spider Foundation, The
OUTBURST - accessing electronic information!
Designed as a presentation at the Aarhus Ministerial Conference NGO session on Strengthening Participatory Democracy for Sustainable Development for the European Eco-Forum, this site contains a useful overview of Internet access issues facing developing (or redeveloping) countries, as well as information on model activities of NGOs, including:
-- IPANEX and GreenNet: Supporting Communication in Saharan Refugee Camps
-- The ZaMir Transnational Network (ZTN) Experience
-- Jailed Russian Democracy Activists Freed Through E-mail
-- Green Spider: Helping Hungarian NGOs Define Their Rights
-- EcoNews Africa: Supporting Maasai Land Claims
-- Alternative News Services
-- The Temelin [Nuclear Power Plant] Case
-- Environmental lawyers in central and eastern Europe
-- Improving drinking water quality in Ukraine

The Green Spider Foundation Hungarian language homepage is found at:

Natural Resources Defense Council (USA)

An interactive website aimed at helping children learn more about health and environmental hazards and ways to avoid them.

Health Information for Development (HID)
Information Waystations and Staging Posts (IWSP)

The Health Information for Development (HID) project is a charitable, non-profit, non-denominational research project aimed at documenting and developing the capacity of health information resource centers throughout the world. Funding for this project has been provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Children's Vaccine Program at PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health). The Health Information for Development project is seen as the first phase of the much-larger, Information Waystations and Staging Posts project, which aims to establish a global network of 1,000 health information resource centers that will provide locally appropriate content on health issues. The project is intended to reinforce existing health services and education systems, not replace them. In the second phase it will upgrade selected resource centers into Information Waystations (IW) and create a network. An Information Waystation is a local point of access to health information received electronically linked to the network of other IWs. It has personnel who are trained in/teach technical maintenance and database use. In the third phase, the project will select some IWs for upgrading into Staging Posts (SPs). Staging Posts will act as "relay stations", translating and adapting information materials in order to make them locally appropriate. They will distribute information rapidly and widely, linked to health and education initiatives. They will make use of appropriate external sources of information, sharing local information, both formal and non-formal/indigenous, in a two-way flow. The project has compiled a Global Directory of Health Information Resource Centers (HIRCs). In English, French, Russian, Spanish and Swahili.

Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

The mission of Health-Track is to help American families and communities identify and track the links between environmental hazards and illnesses and to provide researchers and public health officials with the necessary tools to prevent disease. Health-Track promotes a comprehensive U.S. environmental health tracking system that would monitor illnesses community by community, identify potential environmental hazards and measure exposure to them, and provide an early warning system to alert the public about increases and trends in disease and spur efforts to prevent illnesses. With links to state health departments, community health alerts, and environmental reports on US communities.

Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic
Czech information or English summaries of Rainbow Movement's activities on behalf of the environment.

Images Asia
Images Asia is a non-profit organisation dedicated to development and human rights in Southeast Asia. Images Asia is engaged in implementing materiel and non-material development projects with aim of empowering the people of Burma. Images Asia maintains a library of slides, videos, and photographs from throughout the region. Program areas include Media Intervention Training, Human Rights Documentation, Environmental Education Program, Research Project on The State of Women's Human Rights in Burma Following State Peace and Development Council's Ratification of UN Convention on the Elimination of All Form of Discrimination Against Women, Multimedia Production and Service, human rights publications, videos and archives. In English.

Bioregional Information System for the North American Rainforest Coast Covers Interrain Pacific: Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon & California. Interrain Pacific has an extensive searchable database of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data layers ranging from infrastructural data such as road networks or utility lines to landscape change detection such as modification of historic wetlands ArcExplorer.

Interactive Health Ecology Access Links (IHEAL)
A cooperative process developed by Union of International Associations, UNED-UK and the International Campaign for Responsible Technology (of Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition) to promote user-friendly, public access to health and environment data. Funded by European Commission DGXI and the UK Department of Regions, Environment and Transport.

International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (USA)
The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is an international organization whose mission is to facilitate and support the development of civil society on a global basis by assisting the creation and improvement of laws and regulatory systems that permit, encourage, and regulate the not-for-profit sector in countries around the world. In cooperation with other local and international organizations, ICNL provides technical legal assistance for writing laws and regulations that will enable the non-governmental organization (NGO) sector to grow and thrive. ICNL provides training and educational materials and programs to assist lawyers, judges, and NGO leaders in learning about not-for-profit laws, administrative, and judicial systems. ICNL maintains a library, archive, resource center, and clearinghouse for information on legal, regulatory, and administrative developments regarding the not-for-profit sector. ICNL conducts and support legal, sociological, and other research relevant to strengthening and improving laws and legal systems for NGOs. ICNL's work has principally centered on not-for-profit legal issues in developing and transition countries. Under substantial contracts with USAID, ICNL has developed projects in fourteen countries in Central and Eastern Europe. With USAID funding and various partnership arrangements, ICNL has been active in helping to develop the NPO legal framework for Russia, Western NIS, the Caucasus, and the Central Asian Republics. With funding from several private foundations, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other bilateral and multilateral development agencies, ICNL has undertaken research and technical assistance projects in other regions, including Asia/Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East/North Africa, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Western Europe. In English.

International Planned Parenthood Federation
Country Profiles

International Planned Parenthood Federation
The largest voluntary family planning association worldwide. The site contains more than 160 Country Profiles which include sexual and reproductive health background for each country, details of the national Family Planning Association and socio-demographic statistics. Sexwise Guide, a joint project of IPPF and BBC World Service, contains information, discussion and advice about sexual well being, choices and rights.

International POPs Elimination Network, The (IPEN)
IPEN is a global network of public interest non-governmental organizations united in support of a common Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs) Elimination Platform. The mission of IPEN, achieved through its 266 participating organizations, is to work for the global elimination of persistent organic pollutants, on an expedited yet socially equitable basis. The site contains IPEN's March 2000 scorecard of 'National Government Commitments on Elimination and on the Precautionary Principle' and position papers developed by IPEN members. In English; the POPs Elimination Platform is also available in FranÇais, Espanol, Arabic and Russian.

International Research and Information Network on Childrens Health and Environmental Safety (INCHES)
INCHES is a global network of people and organizations interested in promoting the protection of children from environmental and safety hazards. INCHES disseminates information and initiates research on the relationship between environmental factors and child health. Parents, researchers and scientists, children's organizations, and children themselves are invited as potential partners of this global network.

International Right To Know Campaign, The
ICRT Action Network
Friends of the Earth USA

Site of more than 170 environmental, labor, social justice, faith, and human rights organizations in the U.S. joined together in a campaign to enact an International Right To Know law. This law would require U.S. corporations to disclose information on their environmental impacts, labor practices, and human rights practices wherever they operate. With Case Studies, News, Media guide, and search features for U.S. elected officials. In English

International Rivers Network (IRN)
Linking Human Rights and Environmental Protection through Urgent Actions and Campaigns in Africa, China, Latin America (en Español ), South Asia , South East Asia, International Finance and World Commission on Dams.

International Society for Environmental Protection (ISEP)
Founded in 1987 by a committee of renowned scientists, business people and representatives of government agencies to establish a global platform for environmental information exchange. Funding of the Society is provided by its members - well-known companies and research institutions - concerned with environmental protection, sustainable development, and related stress-reducing strategies for humans and ecological systems.

International Society for the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials (ISCOWA), The
ISCOWA is an international, non-profit organization formed to promote and coordinate the exchange of information regarding the environmental and technical aspects of construction with industrial by-products. Industrial by-products include residues from industrial processes, such as flue gas desulphurisation sludge, metallurgical slags, power plant, and municipal and hazardous waste incinerator fly ashes, bottom ashes, foundry sand, blasting grit, mine tailings, as well as demolition wastes, soils contaminated by industrial activities, and stabilized or treated residues and soils, etc. ISCOWA members are involved with the utilization of these alternative materials in construction applications, such as fill, roadbase, cement, concrete, ceramic products, roofing materials, etc.. Contains News, General information on ISCOWA, Conferences, Working Groups, and Jobs and Business Opportunities.

International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), The
ISWA's objective is the maximum exchange of information and experience world-wide on all aspects of solid waste management. Substantive themes are addressed by ISWA Working Groups: Biological Treatment of Waste, Collection & Transportation Technology, Hazardous Waste, Health Care Waste, Legal Issues, Recycling & Waste Minimisation, Sanitary Landfill, Sewage & Water Works Sludge, Communication & Social Issues, Thermal Treatment, Economic Analyses for Sustainable Development, Developing Country Issues.

International Geographical Union / Union Géographique Internationale IGU-LUCC.
International Geographical Union Study Group on Land Use and Land Cover Change

International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), The
The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty and Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of Indigenous Rights, Traditional Cultures and Sacred Lands. In English and Spanish.

International Society for Environmental Protection (ISEP)
Founded in 1987 by a committee of renowned scientists, business people and representatives of government agencies to establish a global platform for environmental information exchange. Funding of the Society is provided by its members - well-known companies and research institutions - concerned with environmental protection, sustainable development, and related stress-reducing strategies for humans and ecological systems. ISEP accesses:
-- DANUBIS - Danube Information System
-- DANIS - Danube Information System.
-- CAPE (Co-ordinated Action for Pan-European Transport and Environment Telematics Implementation Support
-- DETERMINE (Environmental and Related Transport Telematic Results: Innovative Services And Solutions For The Citizen)
-- ENWAP - Environment Telematics for Water and Air Pollution Management
-- CEDAR - The Central European Environmental Data Request Facility. CEDAR provides computing and Internetworking facilities to support international data exchange with the Central and Eastern European environmental community.
-- ENWAP - Environment Telematics for Water and Air Pollution Management
-- Austrian National Environmental Plan and Umweltdatenkatalog Österreich/Environmental Data Catalogue

Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law
This Guide is designed to be the largest collection of information on international fisheries law and related subjects on the web. It includes a Compendium of Legal Texts - a collection of treaties, conventions and agreements concerning international fisheries, marine mammals and related subjects, and a selection of non-binding instruments, national legislation with international implications, and archive of agreements which have expired or been replaced by newer versions.; a selection of fisheries related Cases at the international level, including the principal cases from the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea, a Directory of the major international fisheries organizations and commissions, Glossary, On-line papers, and Mailing lists. In English.

Kyiv/Kiev 2002 Environment for Europe
Tacis Environmental Awareness Raising Programme (Ukraine)

This web-site was created to collect information on the Environment for Europe process. Information on the history of Environment for Europe, participants of the process, challenges and successes of the process, and preparations for the Fifth Ministerial Conference. In Russian and English.

Lithuanian Fund for Nature (LGF)
Lithuanian Fund for Nature (LGF) is an independent charity conservational organisation, promoting any activities aimed at the preservation of living nature. The Fund was established in 1991 and it was the first public organisation in Lithuania that accumulated funds and was supporting programmes and projects designed to preserve wildlife and vegetation. Lithuanian Fund for Nature has chosen an Edible Dormouse for its logo, a lovely-looking and rare in our country animal that represents affinity and fragility of nature.

Lithuanian Green Movement (LGM), The
Established in the Autumn of 1988, LGM is an umbrella union of environmental clubs, groups and individuals for common activities, co-ordination and exchange of information.

Lupus Foundation of America (USA)
The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) is a nationwide voluntary organization exclusively serving the entire lupus community, including patients, their families, physicians, researchers, and the general public. Incorporated as a nonprofit health agency in 1977, LFA.s mission is to educate and support those affected by lupus and find the cure. Since its establishment the LFA has remained a grassroots, volunteer-driven organization. The site features Education, Support, Research, and News information. With links to Babelfish Translation Service. In English and Spanish.

Maltese Non-Governmental Organisations
Environment Protection Department, Malta
An online directory of Maltese Non-Governmental Organisations.

MapAction (UK)
MapAction is a UK-based international charity that specialises in the mapping of disaster areas and supplying geographical information for humanitarian relief operations, using geographical information system (GIS) technology. They produce instant, real-time maps of a disaster - such as an earthquake or flooding - and then provide the information to other NGOs and government agencies in the field, to relieve the burden on emergency workers in the crucial first hours and days of a humanitarian crisis. In addition to rapid onset disasters, MapAction, formerly known as AidforAid, also provides geographical mapping services for humanitarian and development programmes, such as health and food relief.

Clary Meuser Research Network (USA)

Information site developed by Clary-Meuser Research Network, a Santa Cruz, California-based family-owned firm dedicated to Public Right-to-Know, Environmental Justice, GIS and Internet mapping applications. Co-founder Michael Meuser pioneered Internet mapping of the U.S. Toxics Release Inventory on the Environmental Defense site and Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Eco-Maps webpages. New Data Resources includes Cancer Registry Data, Charts, Maps; BLM Downloadable Lands Data; Library of Congress Historical Maps; U.S. Toxics Release Inventory; and U.S. Census Data. With downloadable freeware and extenstive links. In English.

Nature Conservancy, The
The Nature Conservancy's International Program works to preserve plants, animals and natural ecosystems in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific Islands through partnership with local communities and like-minded conservation organizations.

Natural Step, The (USA)
The Natural Step provides a visionary blueprint for a sustainable world. As an international advisory and research organization, we work with some of the largest resource users on the planet to create solutions, models and tools designed to accelerate global sustainability. In English.

Pesticide Action Network Pesticide Database
Pesticide Action Network (PAN)

A one-stop location for current toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides. The PAN Pesticide Database brings together a diverse array of information on pesticides from many different sources, providing human toxicity (chronic and acute), ecotoxicity and regulatory information for about 5,100 products, as well as adjuvants and solvents used in pesticide products. This database of active ingredients has been integrated with the US EPA and California Department of Pesticide Regulation product databases, which provide information on formulated products (the form of the pesticide that growers and consumers purchase for use) containing the active ingredients. The information is most complete for pesticides registered for use in the United States.

Pew Environmental Health Commission, The
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
The Pew Environmental Health Commission, convened by the Pew Charitable Trusts in May 1999, is an independent panel of experts from the public policy, health industry, government, academic and nonprofit communities. The Commission's charge is to develop practical recommendations for improving the public health response to environmental threats. Three specific investigations are being conducted: Children's Health and Environmental Impacts Environmental Health Right to Know Health Outcome Monitoring Scientific and Policy Capacity of Federal Public Health System.

PollutionWatch (Canada)
Environmental Defense Canada
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy

PollutionWatch delivers accurate information on toxic chemicals released by manufacturing facilities and the associated health risks. It can rank and compare the pollution situation in communities across Canada. With information about the health effects and regulations concerning toxic chemicals, Pollution Maps, Tools for Users, and Teaching Module. In English and French.

Preventing Harm
Clean Water Fund (USA)

Preventing Harm features extensive information linking environmental toxins to developmental disabilities. Contains downloadable one page fact sheets developed for physicians and the public. Each fact sheet includes a Reproductive Outcomes and Routes of Exposure Table which includes information on nearly 50 chemicals/substances, their health effects and where the chemicals are used/found. With media kit, action alerts and extensive contacts. In English.

Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), The
The Radiation and Public Health Project is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization, established by scientists and physicians dedicated to understanding the relationships between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health. RPHP's current emphasis is on The Tooth Fairy Project, a study of the levels of strontium-90 in baby teeth. By measuring these teeth RPHP are able to determine the extent to which radionuclides are entering our bodies. Once sufficient data is collected, RPHP will evaluate whether this radioactivity raises the risk of cancer. Featuring Nuclips - current news clippings on nuclear topics. In English.

Rainforest Information Centre
A volunteer, non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting rainforests, the womb of life and home to over half the Earth's species. Features maps of rainforests in Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Ecuador, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Venezuela.
Alburnus Maior, a Romanian NGO headquartered in Rosia Montana, Romania, tracks gold mining, toxic risk, and population displacement in their region. In Romana, English and Magyar.

SEAC Clearinghouse
Student Environmental Action Coalition
SEAC is a student run and student led national U.S. network of progressive organizations and individuals whose aim is to uproot environmental injustices through action and education. The Clearinghouse is a source of materials and merchandise that provides young people with the information they need to create change. It offers young people free or low-cost fact sheets, books on organizing strategies and environmental justice issues, resource directories, and guides to building stronger, more effective organizations.

Consortium for Environmental Education in Medicine (CEEM), The
Second Nature
Second Nature is a nonprofit organization working to help colleges and universities expand their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of learning and practice. Education for Sustainability (EFS) is a lifelong learning process that leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem-solving skills, scientific and social literacy, and commitment to engage in responsible individual and cooperative actions. CEEM is a program of Second Nature dedicated to demonstrating the close links between human health and the environment. CEEM's goal is to make the relationship of environment to human health an integral part of medical education.

Sierra Club
Sierra Club's Mission Statement is to: Explore, enjoy, nd protect the wild places of the earth; Practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; Use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Silicon Valley Environmental Partnership (SVEP)
Silicon Valley Environmental Partnership promotes environmentally sound business and community practices through collaboration and education. Publishers of the "Silicon Valley 2003 Environmental Index," the Partnership promotes sustainability indicators as a method of enhancing regional environmental performance. The Silicon Valley Environmental Index summarizes high-level trend information in 19 areas, including resource use, population, air and water quality, species and habitats, and hazardous materials, in Silicon Valley, California. Includes a "How To" Manual for communities developing their own sustainability index, Electronics Recycling Map and Directory. In English.

South African Bucket Brigade
South African Exchange Program on Environmental Justice, The (SAEPEJ)

This Boston-based non-profit organization focuses on the effects of toxic chemicals and the deteriorating environment on the health and daily lives of communities in South Africa, and aims to bridge communities in the US with their counterparts in South Africa around environmental justice. SAEPEJ provides resources to South African community, developmental, and environmental groups in order to address the neglected environments in which black South Africans live, and assist in the building of a strong environmental justice movement which will network closely with the US movement. Working collaboratively with groundwork (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa), and the California-based Communities for a Better Environment, SAEPEJ has organized the South African Bucket Brigade. The Brigade's members monitor air emissions from oil refineries. The site contains additional information about the impact of mining on the South African environment.

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), The
SCCWRP is a joint powers agency focusing on marine environmental research. An important part of SCCWRP's mission is to ensure that the data collected and synthesized effectively reaches decision-makers, scientists and the public. CCWRP has conducted five major reference surveys since 1977: reference surveys in 1977, 1985 and 1990, the 1994 pilot project survey, and the Bight 1998 Survey:; Shoreline Microbiology Survey (Winter 1999) Bight 1998 Survey Shoreline Microbiology Survey (Summer 1998). The data include metadata, infuanal abundance, infaunal biomass, and station data.

Statewatch monitors the state and civil liberties in the European Union. The Statewatch searchable database contains over 25,000 entries and reports on the state, civil liberties and justice and home affairs in the UK and the European Union. Includes EU Commission proposal for a regulation on public access to documents and analyses of EU databases, use and exchange of data and surveillance.

Sustainable Communities Information Databank
This project of the Nova Scotia Environment and Development Coalition links issues of environment, economics, health and culture through a democratic community process. Accessing tools and resources, and hearing of other community successes is a valuable part of that process.

Taiwan Environmental Action Network (TEAN)
TEAN strives to increase Taiwan's involvement in international efforts on diverse environmental issues. TEAN collects first-hand information to assist the Taiwanese society in moving toward sustainable development. Among its programs, TEAN supports Basel Action Network's campaign to curtail Formosa Plastic's export of mercury waste from Cambodia to California, and the Radiation Safety and Protection Association Taiwan, the Radiation Victims' Association Taiwan, Medical Professional Alliance in Taiwan, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union and other environmental groups, aiming to solve nuclear nightmare in Taiwan. With information on Animal Rights, Anti - Nuclear / Nuclear Wastes / Radioactively Contaminated Buildings, Climate Change / Energy, Endangered species, Forestry, High-tech Expansion, Indigenous Communities and Biodiversity, Ocean / Coastal Wetlands, Transportation of Hazardous Waste, and Water / Dams. With news archive and articles. In English and Mandarin.

Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)
A non-profit, non-governmental organization focused on environmental management. The Institute aims to play a catalytic role regarding environmental issues in Thailand, and interacts with government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, the private sector, the media and the general public. Thailand Environment Institute's (TEI) discussion forums include: Business & environment, Cleaner technology, Energy & environment, Environmental Education, GIS/GPS/Remote sensing, Grass roots action, Industry & environment, Library & information services, Natural resources, Pli Bai magazine, Urban & environment.

Umanotera (Slovenia)
Umanotera is implementing a three year programme for strengthening civil society organisations in Slovenia. In 2002 and 2003, through funding provided by the Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe Umanotera undertook three individual projects:
  1. Initiative for the Future of NGOs,
  2. Capacity building of the NGO Centre and the NGO sector, promotion of networking and co-operation, and strengthening the dialogue between the government and the NGO sector in Slovenia, implemented by Centre of NGOs Slovenia and .ent, and
  3. Law on Non-governmental organisations and activities related to the adoption and implementation of the law, implemented by PIC (Pravno Informacijski Center).
In Slovenia.

United Nations Environment and Development UK Committee (UNED-UK)
UNED-UK acts as UNEP's National Committee in the UK and while serving as the first northern focal point for the work of the United Nations Development Programme. UNED-UK operates a listserver -- -- for discussion of the future of the process and for networking on environment and health issues, primarily in the Pan-European region. The list is archived on the web at UNED-UK has been a major sponsor of Internactive Health Ecology Access Links - Europe process in support of the UN/ECE Aarhus Convention.

Union of Environmental Organizations of Macedonia (UEOM), The
UEOM was established to unify the ideas, people and problem solving capabilities of environmental organizations in Macedonia. UEOM is comprised of 46 local member NGOs (as of July 2000); a number of government ministries, civic associations and individual experts are associates working within the UEOM framework. The site contains information about the Project 'Development of the Rural Areas and Sustainable Organic Farming'; contact information. In English.

Union of International Associations (UIA)
A clearinghouse of electronic information. Proprietary datasets on World Problems, Strategies and Solutions, and international associational activities (meetings, projects, etc.). dataheal is a public access pilot user interface developed for the Interactive Health Ecology Access Links process, under funding from European Commission DGXI, which allows free access to otherwise proprietary information.
Further explanation concerning individual databases listed in following table
World Problems
Strategies - Solutions
Bibliography (encyc.)
The above databases are hyperlinked to the following databases in a variety of ways
International Organizations
Human Values
Human Development
Bibliography (orgs)
International Meetings
Searching: Searches focus primarily on titles (or names) not on text in profile paragraphs. Each database can be searched by:
keyword(s): use upper or local case, without or without accents (which are ignored);
non-English words will retrieve organizations which use such words in their titles; for organizations, some common keywords (eg world, international) will only generate results if they are paired with the word immediately following in a title (eg world government)
phrase string: specify word string (case is ignored); quotes are unnecessary
subject area: use any keyword and entries in the same subject area as that keyword will be retrieved (if the keyword has been subject coded); non-English words may also be used to retrieve profiles from all databases, even if the profiles do not contain the non-English word.

US High Production Volume Chemical Tracking System (US TS)
Alliance for Chemical Awareness, The (ACA)

ACA is an initiative of the business community to enhance the availability of information to the public about major chemicals in commerce, with a particular focus on the High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals that have been the subject of public/private chemical testing programs. Their stated goals include increasing public access to chemical information and to facilitate the use of exposure data in chemical risk characterization. ACA members, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environmental Defense (ED) have agreed on a plan to increase the amount of publicly available screening-level hazard information on l high production volume (HPV) chemicals. HPV chemicals are those manufactured or imported into the U.S. in quantities exceeding a million pounds per year. The goal is for companies to make complete hazard data sets publicly available on the majority of 2,800 HPV chemicals by 2004. The US High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Tracking System (US TS) web site monitors the voluntary participation of chemical manufacturers and/or importers in the EPA's HPV Chemical Challenge Program. Recent US TS improvements include the ability for chemical manufacturers and/or importers to edit registration information and detailed information for users on how to enter both commitments and work plans into the US TS.

Waterscape International Group (USA)
Waterscape International Group, a California public benefit corporation, develops strategies for managing environmental problems, in particular those relating to water resources. Areas of interest include: 1) surface water and groundwater management, 2) salinity and agriculture, 3) public health and the environment, 4) citizen environmental monitoring and education, and 5) technology training for environmental protection. They specialise in GIS research on environment, agriculture, and public health in Lithuania and California. Waterscape's goals are: 1) to engage in international research and projects in these areas, and 2) to provide limited technical expertise to governments and organizations to initiate and carry-out projects and research in these areas. The site features: Environmental News, Program information, and an extensive list of tools and data for those interested in GIS or modeling of natural systems. In English.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
The WCMC provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own. WCMC programmes concentrate on species, forests, protected areas, marine and freshwaters; plus habitats affected by climate change such as polar regions. WCMC also addresses the relationship between trade and the environment and the wider aspects of biodiversity assessment. WCMC maintains a large and varied collection of databases concerning nature conservation, developed in collaboration with a range of partners. Conservation databases include:

World Conservation Monitoring Center
Protected Areas Programme

World Heritage Information Network (WHIN)

World Energy Efficiency Association (WEEA), The
A private, non-profit organization composed of developed and developing country institutions and individuals charged with increasing energy efficiency. WEEA was formed in 1993 to: (1) assist developing countries in accessing information on energy efficiency, (2) serve as a clearinghouse for information on energy efficiency programs, technologies and measures, (3) disseminate this information worldwide, and (4) publicize international cooperation efforts in energy efficiency.

World Resources Institute (WRI)
WRI meshes the insights of scientific research, economic and institutional analyses, and practical experience with the need for open and participatory decision-making. WRI builds partnerships that include the people who must live with the actions we promote, as well as policy-makers and private-sector interests. WRI's current areas of work include economics, forests, biodiversity, climate change, energy, sustainable agriculture, resource and environmental information, trade, technology, national strategies for environmental and resource management, business liaison, and human health. WRI maintains Data and Maps on environment and sustainability.