European Eco-Forum Comments and Recommendations to the Report of the Aarhus Convention Electronic Tools Workshop (March 9, 2001)

1     NGO representatives attending the 1st Workshop of the Aarhus Convention Electronic Tools Task Force would like to thank the Austrian Ministry of Environment and the Norwegian Ministry of Environment for their kind hospitality in Arendal, Norway.

2     We support the main conclusions of the meeting and appreciate the opportunity given to NGOs to engage in dialog with participants from governmental, academic and international organisations. We benefited from and much appreciated the useful exchange of perspectives.

3     With respect to Articles 3, 6, 7 & 8, we consider that the role of public participation in all aspects of electronic environmental information production, interpretation, dissemination and use is vital for the successful implementation of the Convention. The Task Force may like to consider a future meeting specifically on this subject.

4     We would like to take the opportunity to reflect further on one particular aspect of the discussions and suggest specific recommendations for the Report of the Meeting: the distinction drawn between access to information and accessibility and usability of information by end-users. We would note, for example, that there is a difference between free access to information -- how to bring this about -- and accessibility and usability of information. The workshop dealt basically with the former. The Workshop further touched upon "information overload" and user comprehensibility of electronic environmental information but did not adequately develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

5     We consider that discussion of access to information can be divided into three broad areas:
1)    data collection and processing,
2)    capacity building of information providers, and
3)    public end-user needs.
The Workshop adequately addressed the first two areas, but we consider insufficient time and attention were given to the third area.

6     An analysis and mapping of the public -- the actual consumer's -- needs regarding electronic environmental information, and the role of NGOs and other mediating organisations in addressing these needs, requires further elaboration.


7     We recommend a scoping study of end-user needs be undertaken in support of the work of the Electronic Task Force. This study should address

8     Future meetings of the Electronic Task Force should give consideration to inviting the participation of consumer, health, labour and other civil society representatives in order to further understanding of end-user perspectives and needs.

Ishai Menuchin
Dmitry Skrylnikov
Michael Stanley-Jones
Ruth West

On behalf of the European ECOForum
10 March 2001
Arendal, Norway